Born 1952 and raised in Wales, UK by English parents. US resident for over 30 years. UK educated at Cardiff College of Art, Canterbury College of Art, Leeds Polytechnic and University of Central England, Birmingham.

First career as teacher of Fine Art and Photography in England, United World College of S.E. Asia Singapore, Philippines, Instituto Allende in Mexico, Zambia, Arizona, and English as a second language in New Zealand.

Second career in US state government in five Western states, in fields of public safety, media and public relations, finally retiring in 2017 from Safety Management at Honolulu International Airport. Georgia resident since 2022.

When I am not writing or teaching ESL in Athens, my video activities include collecting and recording interesting personal histories told in the first person. Some of my recordings have been adopted into cultural heritage museums in recognition of the local (or wider) cultural significance of the personnel.

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