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Sam Thurmond Art

Painting Portraits, family, pets, places. Mural painter. Fine Art high-end residential painter. Personal work available

Kevin’s Monster Shack

Watercolor and pen to make artwork with monsters primarily as the subject matter

Mary Rugg

Handwoven scarves, wraps and shawls are designed with a focus on the interplay of color, texture and pattern and woven on rigid heddle and 4 & 8 shaft floor looms

Carmen Kraus

Nature is my inspiration for art, and art is my passion in science.

mira co.

Custom tees(short/longsleeve) and totes

Frank Jackson Ceramics

Handmade ceramics featuring luminary houses, incense houses, handbuilt mugs, and ceramic boxes

Dortha Jacobson

Painting ordinary scenes more beautiful and beautiful scenes more interesting

Windowed and Full-Cloth Face Masks

We believe that the best craft projects are inspired by a need

Maggie Scruggs

Mixed media artist combining self discovery, body autonomy, and identity freedom with figure drawings, skeleton paintings, and abstract styles

Jenifer Borg

Expressing a sense of narrative and transformation through pattern, color, and image