Alys Willman is a poet and singer/songwriter in Athens, Georgia. Poetry and music do not pay the bills, so she is also an international development economist. And just in case money becomes irrelevant one day, she and her partner and two sons manage an urban homestead where they keep bees, raise chickens and grow vegetables.
Alys’ poetry has appeared in District Lit, Salt Hill Journal and Tempered Runes (forthcoming 2020) and she has published a chapbook, Even the Dress is Smoke. Her songs have featured in compilations including the Voces en Pandemia project (2020) and on an album with her band After the Flood (2016).
Alys is the co-author of several non-fiction books including: Violence in the City (World Bank 2011), Societal Dynamics and Fragility (World Bank 2012), Sex Work Matters (Zed Books 2013) and Pathways for Peace (United Nations and World Bank 2018).